A significant portion of our practice includes providing audit and accounting services to counties and municipalities. Our professionals understand the demands placed on governmental bodies and utilize our expertise to help them achieve their mission.
We are familiar with a number of specialized areas specific to counties and municipalities:
​Compliance with Florida Statutes over:
Budget Permits
Impact Fees
Investment of Public Funds
Article V Compliance
Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRA's)
​Rules of the Auditor General
Uniform Guidance
Ad valorem and non-ad valorem tax assesments
Budget Compliance
Restricted Revenue Resources
Utility Rate Tariff's
Over-under recovery of power costs
Financial Statement Audits I/A/W Yellow Book and Florida Auditor General Rules
Financial Statement Preparation including participation in GFOA CAFR Certificate of Achievement Program
Federal and State Single Audits - All Programs
Agreed Upon Procedure Agreements
Pension Plan Audits - General Employees, Police Officers, and Firefighters
Special Audit Reports for County Clerks, Landfill Closure, and Revolving Loan Funds
Bond Issue Assistance - Parity Certificates, Flow of Funds, and Consent Letters
Utility Accounting for Electric, Gas, Water, Wastewater, and Sanitation
Utility Billing System Reviews
Community Redevelopment Agency Tax Incremental Finance (TIF) Audits
Assistance Implementing New GASB Standards
Internal Controls & Fraud Assesments
Tax Consultation - All Areas
Client CPE
Our Quality Commitment

As a member of the American Institute of CPAs Governmental Audit Quality Center, we are committed to adhering to the highest quality standards by voluntarily agreeing to the Center membership requirements, which include designing partners responsible for the quality of our governmental audit practice, establishing quality control programs, performing annual internal inspection procedures, and making our peer review report findings publicly available.
In addition, as part of this commitment, our partners and managers are members of the following programs in the governmental accounting and auditing industry:
FGFOA local chapters
FGFOA Technical Resource Committee
AICPA Single Audit Certificate Program
Speakers at FGFOA annual conferences and local chapter meetings